​Field Name ​Date Type ​Description
​Prec_Id​char(10)​Precinct ID of the voter
​DateOfReg​datetime​Date of Registration
​NewRegisteredVoter​char(1)​1 if voter registered since the last election; 0 if voter registered previous to last election
​LASTNAME​char(28)​Last name of voter
​FIRSTNAME​char(16)​First name of voter
​MIDDLENAME​char(16)​Middle name of voter (if available)
​SUFFIX​char(3)​Suffix of voter's name (if available)
​HOUSENUMBER​char(10)​House number of home address of voter
​Half​char(3)​Fraction of house number of home address of voter (if applicable)
​DIRECTION​char(2)​Street direction of home address of voter (if applicable)
​STREETNAME​char(35)​Street name of home address of voter
​UNITNUMBER​char(6)​Unit number of home address of voter (if applicable)
​HouseCity​char(20)​City of home address of voter
ZIP char(5) Zip code of home address of voter
MailingAddresschar(67)Mailing address of voter
MailingCitychar(20)Mailing city of voter
MailingZipCodechar(12)Mailing zip code of voter
HOMEPHONEchar(18)Home phone number of voter
char(1)Gender of voter​

​Age of Voter​
VOTER_IDchar(3)Voter ID number of voter
Congresschar(3)Congressional District
  • 14 - Congressional District 14
Legchar(3)Legislative District
  • 22 - Legislative District 22
  • 25 - Legislative District 25
  • 28 - Legislative District 28
  • 42 - Legislative District 42
  • 48 - Legislative District 48
Repchar(3)Representative District
  • 43 - Representative District 43
  • 49 - Representative District 49
  • 50 - Representative District 50
  • 55 - Representative District 55
  • 83 - Representative District 83
  • 95 - Representative District 95
Jud16Subhar(3)16th Judicial Subcircuit
  • 1 - Judicial Subcircuit 1
  • 2 - Judicial Subcircuit 2
  • 3 - Judicial Subcircuit 3
  • 4 - Judicial Subcircuit 4
  • 5 - Judicial Subcircuit 5
CBoardchar(3)County Board District
  • 1 - County Board District 1 
  • 2 - County Board District 2
  • 3 - County Board District 3
  • 4 - County Board District 4
  • 5 - County Board District 5
  • 6 - County Board District 6
  • 7 - County Board District 7
  • 8 - County Board District 8
  • 9 - County Board District 9
  • 10 - County Board District 10
  • 11 - County Board District 11
  • 12 - County Board District 12
  • 13 - County Board District 13
  • 14 - County Board District 14
  • 15 - County Board District 15
  • 16 - County Board District 16
  • 17 - County Board District 17 
  • 18 - County Board District 18
  • 19 - County Board District 19
  • 20 - County Board District 20
  • 21 - County Board District 21
  • 22 - County Board District 22
  • 23 - County Board District 23
  • 24 - County Board District 24
  • 25 - County Board District 25
  • 26 - County Board District 26
  • AU - Aurora Township
  • BA - Batavia Township
  • BB - Blackberry Township
  • BR - Big Rock Township
  • BU - Burlington Township
  • CA - Campton Township
  • DU - Dundee Township
  • EL - Elgin Township
  • GE - Geneva Township
  • HA - Hampshire Township
  • KA - Kaneviille Township
  • PL - Plato Township
  • RU - Rutland Township
  • SC - St. Charles Township
  • SG - Sugar Grove Township
  • VI - Virgil Township
  • BA - City of Batavia
  • EL - City of Elgin
  • GE - City of Geneva
  • SC - City of St. Charles
  • Null - Voter not in a City voting district
  • Wards are the Ward numbers of the City in the City field
  • ALQ - Village of Algonquin
  • BAH - Village of Barrington Hills
  • BRK - Village of Big Rock
  • BUR - Village of Burlington
  • CH - Village of Campton Hills
  • CVL - Village of Carpentersville
  • EDU - Village of East Dundee
  • ELB - Village of Elburn
  • GIL - Village of Gilberts
  • HAM - Village of Hampshire
  • HUN - Village of Huntley
  • KVI - Village of Kaneville
  • LLK - Village of Lily Lake
  • MAP - Village of Maple Park
  • MON - Village of Montgomery
  • NAU - Village of North Aurora
  • PGR - Village of Pingree Grove
  • SEL - Village of South Elgin
  • SLH - Village of Sleepy Hollow
  • SUG - Village of Sugar Grove
  • VIR - Village of Virgil
  • WAY - Village of Wayne
  • WDU - Village of West Dundee
  • Null if voter does not live in a Village voting district
Parkchar(3)Park district
  • BAT - Batavia Park District
  • BRK - Big Rock Park District
  • BUR - Burlington Park District
  • DUN - Dundee Township Park District
  • FXV - Fox Valley Park District
  • GEN - Geneva Park District
  • HAM - Hampshire Park District
  • HUN - Huntley Park District
  • SCH - St. Charles Park District
  • SUG - Sugar Grove Park District
Librarychar(3)Library District
  • ALQ - Algonquin Library
  • BAT - Batavia Library
  • DUN - Dundee Township Library 
  • EJO - Ella Johnson Library
  • GBO - Gail Borden Library
  • GEN - Geneva Library
  • HUN - Huntley Library
  • KAN - Kaneville Library
  • MES - Messenger Library
  • MPK - Maple Park Library
  • OSW - Oswego Library
  • STC - St. Charles Library
  • SUG - Sugar Grove Library
  • T&C - Town and Country Library
Firechar(3)Fire District
  • ALQ - Algonquin Fire District
  • AUT - Aurora Township Fire Protection District
  • BAT - Batavia Fire District
  • BGR - Big Rock Fire District
  • BUR - Burlington Fire District
  • CVL - Carpentersville & Countryside Fire District
  • EDU - East Dundee Fire District
  • ELB - Elburn Fire District
  • FRC - Fox River & Countryside Fire District
  • GEN - Geneva Township Fire & Ambulance District
  • HAM - Hampshire Fire District
  • HIN - Hinckley Fire District
  • HUN - Huntley Fire District
  • KAN - Kaneville Fire District
  • MAR - Marywood Fire District
  • MON - Montgomery Fire District
  • MPK - Maple Park & Countryside Fire District
  • NAU - North Aurora Fire District
  • PGR - Pingree Grove & Countryside Fire District
  • RUT - Rutland-Dundee Fire District
  • SEL - South Elgin Fire District
  • SUG - Sugar Grove Fire District
  • SYC - Sycamore Fire District
  • WDU - West Dundee Fire District
  • Null if not in a fire district
CommunityCollegechar(3)Community College
  • 509 - Elgin Community College District 509
  • 512 - Harper Community College District 512
  • 516 - Waubonsee Community College District 516
  • 523 - Kishwaukee Community College District 523
  • 528 - McHenry County College District 528
Schoolchar(3)School District
  • 101 - Batavia School Distict 101
  • 115 - Yorkville School District 115
  • 129 - Aurora West School District 129
  • 131 - Aurora East School District 131
  • 158 - Huntley School District 158
  • 220 - Barrington School District 220
  • 300 - Dundee School District 300
  • 301 - Central School District 301
  • 302 - Kaneland School District 302
  • 303 - St. Charles School District 303
  • 304 - Geneva School District 304
  • 427 - Sycamore School District 427
  • 429 - Hinckley - Big Rock School District 429
  • U46 - Elgin School District U-46
RegSchoolschar(3)Regional Board of Education
  • DEK - DeKalb County Regional Board of Education
  • GRK - Grundy-Kendall Counties Regional Board of Education
  • KAN - Kane County  Regional Board of Education
  • LAK - Lake County Regional Board of Education
  • MCH - McHenry County Regional Board of Education
Sanitarychar(3)Sanitary District
  • WSC - Wasco Sanitary District
  • Null if not in Sanitary District
SolidWastechar(3)Solid Waste District
  • BUR - Burlington Township Solid Waste
  • CAM - Campton Township Solid Waste
  • PLT - Plato Township Solid Waste
  • RUT - Rutland Township Solid Waste 
  • VIR - Virgil Township Solid Waste
WaterDistrictchar(3)Water District
  • 290 - Sugar Grove Water Authority
  • FXR - Fox River Water Reclamation District
  • MCK - Mill Creek Water Reclamation District
  • OCK - Water Creek Water Reclamation District
CE2009char(40)2009 Consolidated Election;
  • X if voted;
  • X ABSENTEE or NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted absentee, grace, or early;
  • Null if not voted
CP2009char(40)2009 Consolidated Primary;
  • DEMOCRAT or DEMOCRATIC if voted Democrat;
  • NONPARTISAN if voted Nonpartisan;
  • REPUBLICAN if voted Republican;
  • DEMOCRATIC ABSENTEE if voted Democratic absentee, grace, or early;
  • NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted Nonpartisan absentee, grace, or early;
  • REPUBLICAN ABSENTEE if voted Republican absentee, grace, or early;
  • Null if not voted
GE2008char(40)2008 General Election;
  • X if voted;
  • X ABSENTEE or NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted absentee, grace, or early;
  • Null if not voted
SE2008char(40)2008 Special Election;
  • X if voted;
  • X ABSENTEE or NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted absentee, grace, or early;
  • Null if not voted
SP2008char(40)2008 Special Primary;
  • DEMOCRAT or DEMOCRATIC if voted Democrat;
  • NONPARTISAN if voted Nonpartisan;
  • REPUBLICAN if voted Republican;
  • DEMOCRATIC ABSENTEE if voted Democratic absentee, grace, or early;
  • NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted Nonpartisan absentee, grace, or early;
  • REPUBLICAN ABSENTEE if voted Republican absentee, grace, or early;
  • Null if not voted
GP2008char(40)2008 General Primary;
  • DEMOCRAT or DEMOCRATIC if voted Democrat;
  • NONPARTISAN if voted Nonpartisan;
  • REPUBLICAN if voted Republican;
  • DEMOCRATIC ABSENTEE if voted Democratic absentee, grace, or early;
  • NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted Nonpartisan absentee, grace, or early;
  • REPUBLICAN ABSENTEE if voted Republican absentee, grace, or early;
  • Null if not voted
CE2007char(40)2007 Consolidated Election;
  • N if voted;
  • N ABSENTEE if voted absentee, grace, or early;
  • Null if not voted
CP2007char(40)2007 Consolidated Primary;
  • NONPARTISAN if voted;
  • N ABSENTEE or NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted absentee, grace, or early;
  • Null if not voted
GE2006char(40)2006 General Election;
  • N if voted;
  • N ABSENTEE or NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted absentee, grace, or early;
  • Null if not voted
GP2006char(40)2006 General Primary;
  • DEMOCRAT or DEMOCRATIC if voted Democrat;
  • NONPARTISAN if voted Nonpartisan;
  • REPUBLICAN if voted Republican;
  • DEMOCRATIC ABSENTEE if voted Democratic absentee, grace, or early;
  • NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted Nonpartisan absentee, grace, or early;
  • REPUBLICAN ABSENTEE if voted Republican absentee, grace, or early;
  • Null if not voted
C2005 char(40)2005 Consolidated Election;
  • N if voted;
  • N ABSENTEE if voted absentee;
  • Null if not voted
CP2005char(40)2005 Consolidated Primary;
  • DEMOCRATIC if voted Democrat;
  • NONPARTISAN if voted Nonpartisan;
  • REPUBLICAN if voted Republican;
  • DEMOCRATIC ABSENTEE if voted Democratic absentee;
  • NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted Nonpartisan absentee;
  • REPUBLICAN ABSENTEE if voted Republican absentee;
  • Null if not voted
G2004char(40)2004 General Election;
  • X if voted;
  • X ABSENTEE if voted absentee;
  • Null if not voted
GP2004char(40)2004 General Primary;
  • DEMOCRAT or DEMOCRATIC if voted Democrat;
  • NONPARTISAN if voted Nonpartisan;
  • REPUBLICAN if voted Republican;
  • DEMOCRATIC ABSENTEE if voted Democratic absentee;
  • NONPARTISAN ABSENTEE if voted Nonpartisan absentee;
  • REPUBLICAN ABSENTEE if voted Republican absentee;
  • Null if not voted
C2003char(40)2003 Consolidated Election;
  • N if voted or absentee voted;
  • Null if not voted
CP2003char(40)2003 Consolidated Primary;
  • N if voted or absentee voted;
  • DEMOCRATIC if voted or absentee voted Democrat;
  • REPUBLICAN if voted or absentee voted Republican;
  • Null if not voted
G2002char(40)2002 General Election;
  • N if voted;
  • N ABSENTEE if voted absentee;
  • Null if not voted
GP2002 char(40)2002 General Primary; 
  • D, DEMOCRAT or DEMOCRATIC if voted or voted absentee Democrat;
  • N or NONPARTISAN if voted or voted absentee Nonpartisan;
  • R or REPUBLICAN if voted or voted absentee Republican;
  • L if voted or voted absentee Libertarian;
  • Null if not voted
N2001 char(40)2001 Nonpartisan Election;
  • Null if not voted
C2001 char(40) 2001 Consolidated Election;
  • N if voted or voted absentee;
  • Null if not voted
CP2001char(40)2001 Consolidated Primary;
  • NONPARTISAN if voted or voted absentee Nonpartisan;
  • Null if not voted
G2000char(40)2000 General Election;
  • X if voted or voted absentee;
  • Null if not voted
GP2000 char(40) 2000 General Primary;
  • D or DEMOCRATIC if voted or voted absentee Democratic;
  • X or NONPARTISAN if voted or voted absentee Nonpartisan;
  • R or REPUBLICAN if voted or voted absentee Republican;
  • Null if not voted;
N1999char(40)1999 Nonpartisan Election;
  • Null if not voted;
C1999char(40)1999 Consolidated Election;
  • X if voted or voted absentee;
  • Null if not voted
CP1999char(40)1999 Consolidated Primary;
  • Null if not voted
G1998 char(40)1998 General Election;
  • X if voted or voted absentee;
  • Null if not voted
GP1998char(40) 1998 General Primary;
  • D, DEMOCRAT, or DEMOCRATIC if voted or voted absentee Democratic;
  • F if voted or voted absentee Reform;
  • N or X if voted or voted absentee Nonpartisan;
  • R or REPUBLICAN if voted or voted absentee Republican;
  • Null if not voted 
N1997 char(40)1997 Nonpartisan Election;
  • X if voted or voted absentee;
  • Null if not voted
C1997 char(40) 1997 Consolidated Election;
  • X if voted or voted absentee;
  • Null if not voted
CP1997char(40)1997 Consolidated Primary;
  • N, NONPARTISAN or X if voted or voted absentee Nonpartisan;
  • R or REPUBLICAN if voted or voted absentee Nonpartisan; 
  • Null if not voted
G1996 char(40) 1996 General Election;
  • X if voted or voted absentee;
  • Null if not voted
GP1996 char(40) 1996 General Primary;
  • D, DEMOCRAT, or DEMOCRATIC if voted or voted absentee Democratic; 
  • L if  voted or voted absentee Libertarian; 
  • N, NONPARTISAN, or X if voted or voted absentee Nonpartisan;
  • R or REPUBLICAN if voted or voted absentee Republican;
  • Null if not voted
VB_IDchar(6)District ID of Voting District requested (This field is not included in files that are by precinct only)
Voter_tagintInteger voter ID

Voter ID numbers remain the same for each submission and have remained the same since Dec. 2003