​Voter Registration

Q: Who may register to vote?
A: To register to vote, you must be a United States citizen, 18 years or older on or before the next election, and must live in your precinct 30 days prior to the next election.

Q: Where can I register to vote?
A: You may register at most public libraries and municipal offices. Click here for a list of offices to register at. You may also register by filling out the online form, signing it, and mailing it to our office. (Note: If you mail the form into our office, you must vote in person the first time you vote. You may not be mailed an absentee ballot the first time you vote.)

Q: When can I register?
A: You may register until 27 days prior to an election. Registration reopens 2 days following an election. If you miss the close of registration, you may register to vote in our office only between 27 and 14 days prior to the election.

Q: What do I need to register?
A: You need two forms of ID, one with your current address, at the time of registration, unless registering by mail, in which case you will need identification the first time you vote.

Q: Does my registration expire?
A: Your registration does not expire unless you change your name or address.
Note: Your registration status does not change in our office automatically. Please contact our office if your name or address changes.

Election Judges

Q: Who is qualified to serve as an election judge?
A: Registered voters residing in Kane County are eligible to serve as election judges.

Q: Are election judges volunteers or is it a paid position?
A: Election judges will be reimbursed for their time serving as an election judge.

Q: Who are judges of election?
A: Judges of Election are responsible for the administration of election procedures in the polling place on Election Day as well as during early voting. They are in the position of ensuring that the election process is administered fairly and in accordance with the Illinois Election Code.

Q: What are the qualifications necessary to be an Election Judge?

  • Be a citizen of the United States.
  • Be a registered voter in Kane County.
  • Be of good repute and character.
  • Be able to speak, read and write the English language.
  • Be of good understanding and capable of performing duties.
  • Not be a candidate for any office in the election, and not be a Precinct Committeeperson.
  • Each Election Judge is required to declare their party preference so they can be assigned accordingly.

Q: Are there other opportunities to help with the election besides being an election judge?
A: YES!!! We need help with telephone/voter assistance as well as field clerks on election day. Please contact our office at (630) 232-5990 for further information.

Absentee Voting

Q: Who may vote absentee? Who is qualified to vote Absentee?
Persons registered* to vote in Kane County are eligible to cast an absentee ballot only if they meet one of the following conditions:

  1.     persons expecting to be absent from Kane County on election day;
  2.     college or university students temporarily residing away from their home precincts;
  3.     persons expecting to be serving away from their home precincts on election day as election judges or election officials employed by any election board, County Clerk or law enforcement agency;
  4.     persons serving on jury duty on election day;
  5.     persons in jail as pre-trial detainees not serving jail sentences;
  6.     persons physically incapacitated or hospitalized;
  7.     persons whose religious beliefs prevent them from voting in person on election day;

*Persons who have registered by mail and will be voting for the first time are not eligible to vote absentee by mail. They may vote absentee in person at the proper election authority.
In addition, the following unregistered voters are eligible to vote by absentee ballot:

  1. Members of the Armed Forces or Merchant Marine and their spouses and dependents whether serving in the United States or abroad;
  2. U.S. citizens and their spouses or dependents, whose permanent residence is in Kane County but who will be temporarily residing abroad on election day;
  3. U.S. citizens (not their spouses or dependents) who maintained a residence in Kane County immediately prior to their departure from the United States.

Q: How can I request an absentee ballot?
A: To request an absentee ballot, you may call our office at 630-232-5990, send a written request to the address at the bottom of this page, or email us at elections@co.kane.il.us with your name, address in Kane County, address where you would like the ballot sent, and phone number.

Q: When is the last day to request an absentee ballot?
A: The last day to request and apply for an absentee ballot by mail is 5 days prior to the election. The last day to vote absentee in person is the day before the election.

Q: When is the last day to return an absentee ballot to the County Clerk's office?
A: The absentee ballot needs to be postmarked by the day before the election and we need to receive the ballot in our office within two weeks after the election.

Q: Can I return the absentee ballot to my polling place?
A: NO! The absentee ballot needs to be returned to the County Clerk's office.

Q: Are Early Voting and Absentee Voting the same thing?
A: No. With early voting, you may vote without an excuse. With absentee voting, you need a reason why you cannot make it to your polling place on election day.

Early Voting

Q: What is early voting?
A: Early voting allows voters to cast a ballot before the election without providing an excuse for not voting at your polling place on election day.

Q: When voting early, is the ballot the same as voting on election day?
A: Yes. The ballot is the same whether voting absentee, early or at the polling place on election day.

Q: When/where can I vote early?
A: The period to vote early is 22 days prior to the election until 5 days prior to the election. Click here for exact dates, times, and locations for early voting.

Q: Can I be mailed a ballot to vote early?
A: No. You may only be mailed an absentee ballot.

Q: Do I go to my polling place to vote early?
A: No. You may go to any one of the designated locations across the county. For a list of those locations, please click here.

Q: Are Early Voting and Absentee Voting the same thing?
A: No. With early voting, you may vote without an excuse. With absentee voting, you need a reason why you cannot make it to your polling place on election day.

Election Day

Q: Where is my polling place?
A: Click here to find your polling place.

Q: What do I need to have with me to vote?
A: Nothing, unless you registered by mail and it is your first time voting, in which case you will need two forms of ID, one with your current address on it.

Deputy Registrars

Q: What is a Deputy Registrar?A: A deputy registrar is an appointed individual that registers people to vote.

Q: How can someone become a Deputy Registrar?
A: The County Clerk appoints the following as deputy registrars:

  • Precinct Committeemen
  • Municipal and Township or Road District Clerks and their deputies
  • Secretary of State appointees

UPON WRITTEN REQUEST, the following may make application to the County Clerk to become deputy registrars:

  • Chief librarian or their designee
  • Principal or their designee of a high school, elementary school, or vocational school
  • President or their designee of a university, college, community college, academy or other institution of learning
  • Officials or their designees of bona fide labor organizations
  • Officials or their designees of bona fide state civic organizations as certified by the State Board of Elections
  • Illinois Department of Public Aid Director or designated employees
  • Illinois Department of Employment Security Director or designated employees
  • Chairperson of the County Central Committee of recognized political parties
  • President of any corporation as defined by the Business Corporation Act of 1983 or designated employees.

Election authorities may require that any designee requesting to be appointed as a deputy registrar file a letter or signed statement of authorization from the designating officer of the organization. This letter is to be kept on file in the election authority's office.

Q: How long is the term for Deputy Registrars?
A: Appointments of deputy registrars, except precinct committeemen, shall be for 2-year terms, commencing on December 1 following the general election of each even numbered year, except that the mid-term appointments shall be until December 1 following the next general election. Appointments of precinct committeemen shall be for 2-year terms commencing on the date of the county convention following the general primary at which they were elected.


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